The Purge Pile is Growing

I did a lot of purging today, and man I was ruthless. I went through some of my closet, dresser, and drawers. Most of the time as I was going through my things, these thoughts popped into my head:

  • Wait, I still have this?
  • OMG, how old is this lotion/chapstick/nail polish/ etc.?
  • Did I wear this in high school?
  • I would not be caught dead wearing this
  • How many purses does one need?
  • I barely wear jeans, do I need 6 pairs?
  • Someone else will appreciate this more than me
  • When was the last time I did gymnastics, 6th grade?
  • I’m pretty sure the elastic in this has disintegrated
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The beginning of what I dubbed, “The Purge Pile”

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“The Purge Pile” begins to grow

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“The Purge Pile” starts to take over my doorway.

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All of the boxes in my closet that are headed to the recycling bin

My plan is to do a clothing/accessory swap with my friends before bringing my many bags to the donation center. Some other items will most likely end up on craigslist as well.

Do you have any other ideas on how to handle my “Purge Pile?”


  1. Brilliant! We just did a post on just taking our clothes and selling them for almost nothing on the streets in underprivileged neighbourhoods, was great fun!


  2. I am amazed at the number of stuff we all collect/save over the years. 😦 But it is so refreshing to actually get rid of clutter.

    If your city/town has a textile recycling program, you should look into it! Where we live, there’s an organization that accepts clothes/bags/etc. that are much too old to be sold or donated. They take clothes with holes and bleach stains, too!

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  3. I’m currently halfway through my closet! It’s so necessary to clean out the old, even the new, in order to breathe a sigh of relief. I feel lighter every time I get rid of stuff! My husband is in the military so moving every couple of months/years also helps us stay light! 🙂 I once heard a tip to cleaning out your closet: place all your hangers backwards and, after you wear and wash, place hangers forward -like normal. After a couple months, you can see which ones you haven’t touched and then get rid of them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have done the turn your hangers backward trick before! It was nice, I would get up for work and look at what I had not worn yet. Then I knew which outfits I never wore by the end of the season!


      1. That’s a great way to remember! It’s hard to let go of some clothes because I always talk myself into maybe needing it, you know, one day. hahaha but this trick lets you know you really haven’t worn the item in a long time!


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